Going Through A Divorce Can Be Like Watching Your House Burn

Divorce is NOT like being at the mercy of a relentless house fire that takes everything away from you. You have much more control than you realize… if you get knowledge on how to win your divorce from an expert.

I want to show you how in my best selling book – Win Your Divorce


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The Complete Guide to Making it Through a Divorce


Rick D. Banks is a divorce attorney/mediator, author, husband and father in California. After years of seeing how the legal system often makes divorces harder than they have to be – both financially and emotionally, Rick decided to share the tips and techniques that most divorce attorneys don’t want their clients to know about, so he wrote Win Your Divorce: Financially, Emotionally, Socially.

Rick’s passion is to help people work through their divorces with as little trauma as possible, rather than going through the typical court-fought divorce. Win Your Divorce shows how people can save thousands, and often tens of thousands of dollars that could be better spent elsewhere (e.g., like their children’s college funds, or vacations, or purchasing a home, etc.)


Winning a divorce is not about approaching it as a competition or seeking to defeat your spouse. Instead, it's about navigating the process with a focus on achieving your desired outcomes and protecting your best interests.

+15.000 Happy customers

You've Heard From Me, But Here's What My Clients Say

The wisdom and strategies in this book will reduce your emotional and financial stress to a third or less than a typical divorce. It could even save your marriage. Rick Banks offers realistic, compassionate advice for untying the knot in plain, clear language everyone can understand and use. He gently takes the reader by the hand from clarifying the decision to divorce through addressing all the emotional and legal factors involved in the process to restoring life balance after divorce. I highly recommend this book to everyone contemplating divorce and all the people they turn to for help, counsellors, ministers, coaches, actor" says, family and friends.

Alia A.

The wisdom and strategies in this book will reduce your emotional and financial stress to a third or less than a typical divorce. It could even save your marriage. Rick Banks offers realistic, compassionate advice for untying the knot in plain, clear language everyone can understand and use. He gently takes the reader by the hand from clarifying the decision to divorce through addressing all the emotional and legal factors involved in the process to restoring life balance after divorce. I highly recommend this book to everyone contemplating divorce and all the people they turn to for help, counsellors, ministers, coaches, actor" says, family and friends.


The wisdom and strategies in this book will reduce your emotional and financial stress to a third or less than a typical divorce. It could even save your marriage. Rick Banks offers realistic, compassionate advice for untying the knot in plain, clear language everyone can understand and use. He gently takes the reader by the hand from clarifying the decision to divorce through addressing all the emotional and legal factors involved in the process to restoring life balance after divorce. I highly recommend this book to everyone contemplating divorce and all the people they turn to for help, counsellors, ministers, coaches, actor" says, family and friends.

Jena Megan

The wisdom and strategies in this book will reduce your emotional and financial stress to a third or less than a typical divorce. It could even save your marriage. Rick Banks offers realistic, compassionate advice for untying the knot in plain, clear language everyone can understand and use. He gently takes the reader by the hand from clarifying the decision to divorce through addressing all the emotional and legal factors involved in the process to restoring life balance after divorce. I highly recommend this book to everyone contemplating divorce and all the people they turn to for help, counsellors, ministers, coaches, actor" says, family and friends.

Marry Jane


Broken down into 10 easy-to-follow modules, this course will walk you through every aspect of your divorce. From legal grounds for filing and custody concerns to child support and life after divorce, the Win Your Divorce Course is the ultimate everything-is-included resource. In some cases, spouses are even able to work together to find mutually agreeable outcomes without having to hire an attorney. That’s an average savings of $15,000 per person.